dendritische Zelltherapie, Immuntherapie-krebs, alternative Krebstherapie, Krebsimmuntherapie
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studies/ dissertations

Here you will find studies/ dissertations and medical information on the topics:

antigen-presenting dendritic cells, immunotherapy for cancer diagnosis, treating autoimmune diseases with autologous dendritic cells, cancer therapy with dendritic cells, stem cells from umbilical cord blood, stem cells from adipose tissue, P53 the protein apoptosis, immune development for cancer diagnosis and much more.

Prostate carcinoma: immunotherapy with dendritic cells

Krebszelle - Immumedic - Metastasen

The Cellular Immunotherapy working group at the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg headed by Prof. Dr. As part of a clinical study funded by the Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Hendrik Veelken offers affected patients an immunotherapy that has already shown good efficacy in patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Prostate carcinoma: immunotherapy with dendritic cells

SARS Cv-2 DCs Immumedic

The Cellular Immunotherapy working group at the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg headed by Prof. Dr. As part of a clinical study funded by the Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Hendrik Veelken offers affected patients an immunotherapy that has already shown good efficacy in patients with advanced prostate cancer.

dendritische Zelltherapie Immumedic

Prostate carcinoma: immunotherapy with dendritic cells

The Cellular Immunotherapy working group at the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg headed by Prof. Dr. As part of a clinical study funded by the Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Hendrik Veelken offers affected patients an immunotherapy that has already shown good efficacy in patients with advanced prostate cancer.

Prostatakrebs mit Immuntherapie bekämpfen, hier für sind autologe dendritische Zellen.

Prostate carcinoma: immunotherapy with dendritic cells

The Cellular Immunotherapy working group at the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg headed by Prof. Dr. As part of a clinical study funded by the Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Hendrik Veelken offers affected patients an immunotherapy that has already shown good efficacy in patients with advanced prostate cancer.

3 D Gehirn

Prostate carcinoma: immunotherapy with dendritic cells

The Cellular Immunotherapy working group at the Medical University Clinic in Freiburg headed by Prof. Dr. As part of a clinical study funded by the Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Hendrik Veelken offers affected patients an immunotherapy that has already shown good efficacy in patients with advanced prostate cancer.

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Carcinogenicity of SpikeVax unknown

December 28, 2021

The following letter shows that nothing is known about the carcinogenicity (increase in tumor burden) of the ingredients in the Moderna Biotech Pfizer Biotech Pfizer mRNA vaccine SpikeVax (mRNA as well as lipid nanoparticles). In addition, the letter shows the company's callousness in refusing studies on a possible carcinogenic effect of its experimental product, even though the studies mentioned in the letter suggest this, and also for base reasons. According to Moderna-Biotech-Pfizer, these studies are too time-consuming and expensive.

brustkrebs immumedic

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