stem cells
Stem cell research has progressed since its discovery in the 1960s. The use of stem cells from the bone marrow to treat leukemia is well known and an effective form of treatment. Stem cells are generally referred to as body cells that can make copies of themselves and differentiate into different cell types or tissues. Depending on the type of stem cell and how it is manipulated, they have the potential to develop into any tissue (embryonic stem cells) or into specific tissue types (adult stem cells). Stem cells are able to generate daughter cells, which in turn have stem cell properties.
blood stem cells
Blood stem cells are also called hematopoietic stem cells. Like other stem cells, these can renew or copy themselves. They can also produce different subtypes of specialized blood cells: both red blood cells and the numerous white blood cells that are important for the body's immune system.
The company IMMUMEDIC Limited reads in specially approved laboratories Growing blood stem cells so that they can be used for various functions to permanently cure diseases. For this we need the whole blood of the affected patient. This rules out the possibility of rejection in the immune system. Foreign stem cells, as in leukemia diseases, where foreign stem cells from the blood or bone marrow are also used, can lead to rejection.
The possible uses of stem cells from the blood
A vaccine for better therapy for various diseases can also be produced from the blood of the affected patient by multiplying and specializing the cells. The latest research and studies have improved and optimized the possible uses.
According to current knowledge, the following diseases can be improved:
Macular degeneration, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, heart disease (heart attack), Alzheimer's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, arthrosis, multiple myeloma, lymphomas, especially Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (can also be treated with autologous dendritic cells).
We will send you the appropriate blood collection set and after the blood collection it will be picked up again on the same day and delivered directly to the laboratory.
Manufacturing about 4 days and delivery after manufacturing and cleaning on 5 days.
Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
Stem cells are body cells that can differentiate into different cell types or tissues. Externally, they hardly differ from other cells. The genetic material is also identical. However, they have the ability to grow indefinitely.
Stem cell therapy using umbilical cord blood from other donors can currently only be carried out in a private specialist clinic in Munich. For an adult human we need stem cells from three identical umbilical cords. Allogeneic cord blood consists of, among other things, mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, neuronal stem cells, mononuclear cells, proteins, exosomes, etc. Per body weight and per treatment, 5×10^7 cells from the blood of up to 3 umbilical cords are required.
The therapy itself can be compared to a simple infusion of blood (intravenously), a total of around 300 ml of umbilical cord blood. It is important to have the blood group of the affected patient in order to find the right donor in the umbilical cord bank.
The course of therapy is usually 4 days and can be carried out on an outpatient basis. There is a suitable hotel for every type of patient for treatment in the private specialist clinic in the center of Munich. After receiving the treatment contract with the declaration of consent and anamnesis questionnaire, we need about 7 to 10 days to make all the preparations. Once the therapy costs have been paid in full (please ask for the price list), the therapy can begin. On the first day of therapy, there are examinations, an explanation and a blood sample. On day 2 & 3, the affected patient receives his infusions with intermittent liquid, the time of treatment is about 3 hours a day, with continuous monitoring. The side effects are very low, no rejection (graft-versus-host) no risk of cancer (on the contrary) with fatigue the first few days after therapy. On the 4th day a short examination and final discussion. After an average of 7 to 9 weeks, the first improvements are noticed by those affected.
Exclusion criteria are severe acute or chronic infections (e.g. hepatitis B/C, HIV 1⁄2) as well as severe autoimmune diseases, active cancer, mental insanity, severe organ dysfunction and the patient cannot be transported to Munich. The following indications can be treated with stem cells from umbilical cord blood:
Stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's syndrome, multi-system atrophy (MSA), amyotrophic ateral sclerosis (ALS), M. type 1 diabetes, immunothrombocythemia (IPT, MbWerlhof), arthritis, rheumatic form circle, Alzheimer's, Early stage dementia, chronic heart failure.
Medical beauty with stem cells
Stem cells are body cells that can differentiate into different cell types or tissues. Externally, they hardly differ from other cells. The genetic material is also identical. However, they have the ability to grow indefinitely.
Death Becomes Her, from the 1992 film of the same name starring Meryl Streep and other well-known actors, was about eternal youth. Beauty in old age is one of the largest markets worldwide. Not only women want firm skin, beautiful lips or a great décolleté, but more and more men are doing more for their beauty. From the age of 25, the skin loses its elasticity and thus more and more wrinkles develop.
There are two ways to use stem cells for medical beauty.
On the one hand from the fatty tissue, which is very effective and is a non-invasive procedure. It would have to be anesthetized and it could lead to abdominal injuries.
On the other hand, from blood that is taken from veins, cleaned, separated and stressed in the laboratory, which leads to increased cell division. The multiplied cells are then injected into the area intended for this purpose.
Depending on the amount, the stem cells produced and multiplied from the blood cells can also be mixed with a filler (5-8ml). This gives an immediate, lasting and visible immediate effect. Filler could be hyaluronic acid, for example.
We offer you the opportunity to offer your customers a lasting and immediate anti-aging effect with stem cells with little effort. We will send you our blood collection set for this purpose. After the blood has been taken, our medical courier comes and delivers the collection set directly to our laboratory. After 3-4 days of production you will receive your desired product. You can mix it with some filler or inject it pure with your customer.